Anasayfa / ACCESSORIES / Softlife brand visco sleep products from Merpol

Softlife brand visco sleep products from Merpol

Enes Sumer, member of the board, Merpol foam company: “Mattress manufacturers in Turkey have been successful in promoting their brands in the World by following closely the developments and innovations in the sector and by investing more.”

Merpol foam company has been producing medical orthopedic and home textile productsmat European standards since 2009. The company now introduces its Softlife brand that covers visco pillows and mattresses. Enes Sümer, board member of the company, said that demand for visco products has been on the rise in the world. He informed about their plans for the year 2017 that aims to make the brand to position at higher echelons in the market.

On foundation of the company

We have been producingfoams for automotive, furnitureand many other sectors foryears. Seeing the rising demandto visco products we decidedto focus on visco pillowsand mattresses. Following ourtechnical studies and developmentswe have improved thequality of production and nowbeen producing products bothfor our own brand Sofline andfor other brands as well.

adamlarOn the target segments and majör products in the sector

Our products are used both inmedical orthopedic segmentand in home textile categories.We have several models ofproducts including neck supporting,classical, cooling jellpillows that are made of viscomaterials and aimed to improvethe sleep quality.We also have orthopedicsitting pillows, supportivepillows for offices and vehicles,travel paddings, reflux pillowsfor adults and babies that areall made of healthy materialsin special forms. We produceanti-decubitus mattresses forhospitals that are made by usingtechnical fabrics that allowsair ventilation and are liquidproof.Products in home textile andhotel groups are made of visco foams by using special molds at the European standards in terms of their ideal sizes and densities. Thanks to our production technique we offer more durable and more comfortable mattresses.

On procurement of raw materialsand imports

We are keen on the health of the people and the quality of our products, so we buy the raw materials that we use in our production from selected firms who proved their quality inEurope with their quality certificates.

On production facility and capacities

In our production line we havefive machines that are usedactively. Presently we are ableto produce 3 hundred thousandpillows per month and wehave new investment plans forcapacity expansion in line withgrowing demand.

On the rising demand for foam mattresses and other sleep products and culture in Turkish market

We watch a rising demand in the market. All we want to have better sleep in the evening ant to get up as refreshed in the morning. Our products are made for more comfortable and for better sleep experiences of the people by reducing the pains especially on neck and back. Consumers can easily detect the differences in our products. Similarly, demand for these products is rising continuously in the country.

On capacities for production, exports and domestic salesyastık

Among our targets for 2015 were to promote our products in abroad and to start exporting. The export activities that were started in 2015 now reached to 21 countries in five continents including Germany, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, UAE, Morocco, Tunis, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Greece. We aimed to increase the number of export countries and our sales.

On his assessment about mattressindustry in Turkey

Turkish manufacturers have proved their success in mattress production with their qualities. They are closely watching innovations and developments in the Word and investing serious amounts in the production facilities. They are successful also in the promotion of Turkey in the field of mattress industry. Sleepwell fair held in Turkey is also contributing in their successes by introducing the products, the companies and the producers

in sleep industry. As Merpol foam company, we have been keen on customer satisfaction, quality production and timely delivery. We are successful to realize our targets we set for years and are working on new projects that will carry our products and brand to upper levels in the market in the year 2017.


#Softlife #brand #sleep #Merpol #Accessories #pillow

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  1. We are slabstock foam manufacturing company based in Pakistan. We are interested in Viscount Elastic “Memory” Foam mattress, Pillows, sheets. We would be greatful if you provide us detail product information and rock bottom rates on C&F karachi basis. Thanks & Regards Mian Umar Javaid Director Joy Foam ( Pvt. ) Ltd Lahore
