Anasayfa / ACTUEL / 3rd SLEEP WELL EXPO Istanbul was held

3rd SLEEP WELL EXPO Istanbul was held

The show of innovation, technology and design trio in the mattress industry was held at Istanbul Expo Center, 20-23 October 2016.

The 3rd edition of Sleepwell Expo, the first and only mattress and mattress technologies fair was successfully held. Despite the problems that Turkey has been going through and an unfair competition in the sector, 76 exhibitors and 4152 professional visitors attended the show. Although this number represents a 20% decrease over the previous edition of the fair, more than 90% of the exhibitors have expressed their satisfaction with the performance of the event.


The 3rd edition of Sleepwell Expo Istanbul, the major event that directsthe investments in the manufacturing, raw materials, mattress main industry, sub industry and materials, brought the professionals of the industry together, 20-23 October 2016.
From raw materials to the finished mattresses, including the supply industry, components, machinery and technology SLEEPWELL EXPO Istanbul is the event showing the trends and latest products.

The Sleep ZoneDSC_0025

Displaying mattress alternatives at one place The Sleep Zone was organized for the first time this year. This special section offered the samples of latest products from 16 mattress manufacturers and attracted a great deal of interest from sector officials. Located in the main foyer of the venue, The Sleep Zone was arranged with a charming design.


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