Anasayfa / ACCESSORIES / KEETSA innovates bio-foam

KEETSA innovates bio-foam

Memory foam is renowned for its durability and comfort. Yet, some memory foam is made with 100% petroleum oil. Not very eco friendly…

Keetsa has innovated Bio-foam™, a new type of memory foam that replaces a portion of the petroleum oil with castor bean oil, a natural plant oil. This accounts for less dependency on the oil industry and most importantly, this foam has no detected harmful VOCs and no detected formaldehyde. Much more eco-friendly…

Keetsa is an eco-friendly manufacturer of the green tea mattress, as well as other safer, softer mattress alternatives. Green tea is increasingly recognized for its calming effect and for its powerful anti-oxidant. The company utilizes this powerful anti-oxidant in the form of green tea extract mixed into the Bio- Foam formula to help ensure that Keetsa sleep products will maintain a fresh, natural scent without the use of chemical deodorizers.

Keetsa is different from other mattresses that claim to have environmentally responsible materials, or those that do not present any offgassing that usually comes with using the latest technology. What’s even better is that the prices of Keetsa mattresses are way more affordable and practical. Since it was featured some time ago in the TV show Taste of New York the company is familiar to many residents of New York City, particularly in the SOHO area.

Keetsa mattresses are self-supportive. They do not require traditional box springs to give the proper support, as long as the mattresses are placed on a flat, stable surfaced foundation or bed frame. Also, we believe box springs are another form of waste for the environment. By having a firm and supportive base for the mattress, the company has reduced the mattress waste to half.

