Anasayfa / RAW MATERIALS / Painkiller mattress fabric passed laboratory tests successfully

Painkiller mattress fabric passed laboratory tests successfully

With the study carried out under the consultancy of Gaziantep University (GAÜN) Textile Engineering Department Lecturer Prof. Dr. Cem Güneşoğlu and Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty Member Prof. Dr. İrem Çankaya, the test of ‘the mattress fabric with painkiller effect’ successfully passed the laboratory tests

In order to determine the effectiveness of the pain killer fabric produced in Turkey in 2018, Prof. Dr. Güneşoğlu and Prof. Dr. Çankaya started a study in 2019 within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1501 Industry R&D Projects with the authorities of Küçükler Tekstil R&D Center and Safir Kimya.

In this context, academicians collaborating with universities and industry examined “the fabric intended to stop the pain by contacting with skin” in the laboratory environment.

In the tests, performed on 20 mice in Gazi University laboratories, a decrease in pain was witnessed after the animals injected with pain contacted with the fabric. It was stated via tests that the fabric had 10 percent more positive results than its peers, was offered to industrial establishments to be used in mattress production.

Prof Dr. Güneşoğlu explained that they processed the chemical substance by imposing it on the fabric, and that they provided the effectiveness that the users needed in their research and examinations.

Güneşoğlu stating that the laboratory tests they carried out within the scope of the studies they started in 2019 have just concluded, stated that they have also scientifically proven the effect of the fabric, and said “We have proven the effectiveness of the produced commercial product against the imported product. With this project, the test method we mentioned was presented to the literature and the product was produced in Turkey at low cost. In the test method, it was shown that the effectiveness value of the pain killer in fabrics was higher against the imported product in the project output. There is a 10 percent difference in favor of our fabric. This project, after the support of TÜBİTAK, resulted in a successful cooperation of academic knowledge and experience with industrial knowledge and experience.”

 “The effectiveness of painkiller has a very important effect on sleep quality”

Güneşoğlu pointing out that they commercialized that fabric continued as follows: “The mattress fabric is already on the market by its manufacturer. The same product can be used in different sectors of textile. It can be used in clothing fabrics and home textiles because arthralgia has negative effects especially while sleeping. The active ingredient in our product acts so as to block pain receptors in the brain by accelerating blood circulation in the contact areas of the skin. This activity was demonstrated by the objective test method. Therefore, this product has become a product that will affect different sectors.”

Güneşoğlu noting that there was a demand from hospitals for the product, concluded as follows: “The firm received demands from hospitals, especially in the Oncology department, to be used in the intervention of patients with severe pain. It received a serious demand abroad, especially from Italy and Germany. It is because the effectiveness of painkiller has importance effect on sleep quality. The most special aspect of this study is that we can measure this activity. We are preparing our academic publications about it.”
