Anasayfa / ACTUEL / Marsteks: Interzum Fair is an opportunity for manufacturers

Marsteks: Interzum Fair is an opportunity for manufacturers

Marsteks General Manager Emre Şahin Yılmaz stated that interzum Cologne Fair is a kind of innovation test for the sector players.

Emre Şahin Yılmaz, who stated that the pandemic and global economic crises have affected the world for a long time, and have negatively affected the Turkish mattress components industry and that the interzum Fair will disperse this negative atmosphere, said the following on the subject; “We believe that the interzum Cologne Fair will provide an opportunity to end the global economic crisis and allow manufacturers to breathe, and we believe that we will make good use of this opportunity both on our behalf and on behalf of other industry players in our country.”

Yılmaz stated that they are excited to compete on the same platform with their worldwide competitors and to host the industry’s leading professionals at their stands at the fair. Emre Şahin Yılmaz added that the fair is also important in terms of bringing new creations together with existing customers, establishing new business connections with new customers and analyzing the expectations of the markets.

Pointing out that it is very easy to procure any desired product from anywhere in the globalizing and rapidly developing world trade, and that distances and borders have been removed, Yılmaz said, “Today, the mattress has become more than a product that people provide for a simple sleep, and comfort and human health. The stress and fatigue brought by working life have led people to seek ergonomic features in bed. The pandemic and subsequent epidemics have also increased the interest in mattresses with antibacterial properties. The fact that human health has come to the forefront has led mattress manufacturers to search for new ones, and great distances have been covered in innovation. The fact that the emerging expectations continue to increase with each passing day forces us to think innovatively as a bed cover fabric supplier of mattress manufacturers.”


Emphasizing the importance of the fair, Emre Şahin Yılmaz ended his interview with the following words; “Announcing the innovation in our products to the world, promoting our brand and writing the stories of our products have become very important for our country and our companies in today’s trade, and global organizations such as interzum Cologne Fair play a major role in achieving these. In this sense, I wish the fair to be beneficial for our country and all our companies.”







